It’s been a terrible week. I need advice

I’ve been trying so sooo hard. I feel like I’m failing at being a mom because when days are rough like they have been all week, I get so full of rage and want to walk out the door, even though I love my son with all my heart.

I don’t know what to do. He’ll be five weeks on Tuesday. We usually start our day at about 7am and he’ll start showing sleepy cues around 8am and as soon as I notice them I start trying to settle him because I know how crucial it is to not let babies get overtired. Regardless of how hard I try, I attempt to get him to nap around 8am, and can’t actually get him to sleep AT ALL til about 1pm. By then he is so overtired. The only time he sleeps before 1pm is if I take him outside, and I can only be out there for so long. As soon as I come in it’s fussy baby all over again.

I just get so worked up because just the thought of spending practically my whole day trying to get my baby down for one nap is so discouraging and frustrating. I can’t do this every day... and even when he does go to sleep I can’t put him down.

I know it’ll get better one day but for now the days are long, the nights are longer. Being a mom is tough, and despite what people say, newborns are not easy.