Nipple confusion; no longer deep latching


So I messed up..

A friend of mine was telling me how I should introduce the bottle early so my baby won’t struggle later on. I looked into it and online it said it’s ok to introduce bottle at 3 weeks. So I said ok I’ll try it the day he turns 3 weeks which was this last Wednesday.

I gave him a bottle, he didn’t struggle to take it! So I said cool! So the rest of the day I planned to breastfeed him just to see if he’d get confused. The feed right after, he was already not latching correctly like before. So my nipples started getting sore, just like when he was born. So I was like ok we’ll get back on track.

I had an oversupply before.. after this, my supply went significantly down. My boobs aren’t full like they always were. He was doing real good on latching and I just messed it up, I had a feeling it was too early to introduce bottle. I should’ve listened to my instinct.

It’s now Sunday and he still doesn’t latch on correctly. He doesn’t get “milk drunk” anymore. He doesn’t fall asleep right after a feeding like before, now he just stays awake making a small fuss.

Im trying real hard to get him to latch on correctly but it’s getting overwhelming and frustrating. He fusses at the breast and his arms are always in the way making it even harder. He doesn’t open his mouth as wide anymore and no matter what I can’t get a deep latch!!

I don’t know how else to help him anymore! Any advice please 😔 I’m stressing and I’m just so mad at myself. FTM btw 🤦🏻‍♀️