Syncing pregnancy sysmptoms?

Me and my aunt share about an 11 year age gap making me 15 and her 26. We have been close since I was a baby , we are more like best friends than and aunt and niece relationship . Well she found out she was pregnant about 4 months ago and lately she’s been breaking out on her face really bad in clusters and so have I ... my face breakers out but never in clusters and on my checks at that . So i brushed it off and then I started getting REALLY moody . I think I’ve cried more now than my whole life , and she’s said she hasn’t really been emotional . I’ve been getting sick at the sleep of candy and she’s only gotten sick 5 or 6 times. She joked when my mom was pregnant with my youngest sister 2 years ago she got all of her symptoms . Can this happen or is it coincidence?