Porn and masturbating


He Has Dating accounts! I'm So hurt.

My husband masturbate to porn all the

time every day twice A-day I've caught him a lot of Times not because I'm creeping on him but because he does it so much that I just walking on Him doing it There are times when I would wake up in the morning and in the middle of the night and rolled over and see him watching it And masturbating I would get mad at him ask him why didn't you wake me up if You're horny Then He Will hit me with the well why don't you do something about it now. (Not exact words,real words id rather not say right now)I talk to him about it years ago and he and I suggested that we should watch it together that I got old Mainly because I believe that the porn over stimulated him and he never lasted long enough for me to enjoy sex Also like to point out even without the porno he still doesn't last very long . We are now at this point well not now it's been this way before we have sex he is watching a porno He says is so that we have better sex I don't believe that because he uses it every single time for years In fact the only time he doesn't use it is when I say something about it when I get tired of him doing it and I finally throw my hands up in the air and go come on man let not do that anymore. Also I would like to point out I don't know if this is gonna make a difference but I am a freak and generally am up to and have done basically anything and everything. Im very adventurous lover. My body is very sensitive and receptive to Him There is also more to this story but I didn't feel like typing a ridiculously long 1st post Sir if you want to know more Feel free to share your advice.

Thanks in advance.

So much peace and love❤