Advice needed!!!!


Hello so I am currently 25 weeks pregnant and I only have 14 more weeks & 6 days left to go. I recently had got a job working 40 hours a week and working from 10pm-6am on my feet the whole time unless I’m on break which I only get a 30 minute break but I’m not complaining. Since I am in need of getting money together before the baby gets here but any who...

(the managers knew I was pregnant before hand since my fiancé works there too but we work different shifts)

Anyway... standing on my feet for a good 9 hours straight is starting to get to me a bit in my feet & back I wear maternity pants since they allow me to since I can barely wear jeans without having them unbuttoned but anyways what I want to know is... when should I ask for my maternity leave? I’m due March 10,2021 unfortunately I won’t get paid for it I don’t think so but I’m just curious... or should I just not ask for it and still continue to work until one day I just go into work and then out of no where my water breaks while I’m at work?

Also if anyone knows of any tips or tricks or anything to help me with the back pain and foot pain that would be amazing to let me know please!!!!