Deli meat... ugh!

Jennifer • 💑💍 momma of 4 💗💗 💙 💙

So I gave into a craving last night knowing the risks and ate an Italian sub from a pizza place they have good ratings and are clean I had them toast my sub and then also when I got it I put it in the microwave for 15 more seconds.... ever sense I ate the sandwich and started to worry I have felt somewhat sick as in my stomach just doesn’t feel right... could it be in my head sure do I think it’s in my head not really.... could it be indigestion from all the hots on it sure but again idk.... I now can’t help but feel I have put my baby at risk and potentially even harmed my baby I’m so worried it’s all I can seem to think about... what would you ladies do...

Obviously I’m never giving into my craving for deli meat again that’s a given.... 😢