What to do?

I've been married to this man for 4/5 years and we've had a lot of good times but seemingly more bad. I love him but at the same time lately, I feel so distant. Im not happy anymore. Depressed to the point I had myself put on Zoloft. I just want to sleep when hes here and as horrible as it sounds I cant wait for the weekends to be over so we wont have to deal with each other. Every single thing he does annoys me. We fight more than we talk. He makes me feel worthless, ugly, unloved, used and I feel like Im pretty much just there to do his laundry and because before I met him I had my life together. I had a house, cars, money and credit an he had literally nothing. He sits all day on his days off playing video games and watching porn. Not that I really even care at this point as long as he leaves me alone. I hate saying this cause I dont really want to divorce this man but I just feel so done and over it all. I feel like I have so much more to offer and I deserve more affection and to be happy. Were both just miserable. I tried to talk to him but he just tries to smooth it over an back to the fighting the next day. What do I do? He has no where to go. His family hates him an wants nothing to do with him, he doesnt even have a car now because he wrecked it for the 3rd time. I dont know how to walk away without hurting him or him becoming destructive/suicidal.