Dad is so anxious to meet the little one

You would think it was his first child! He did say this experience have been much different than the one with his older son’s mother and I’m just happy he’s enjoying it.

For the latter part of my pregnancy, I’ve been sleeping in the recliner because sleeping in the bed just isn’t comfortable anymore especially with all the pelvic pain. We have these movie theater recliners where two are together like a love seat. I woke up this morning and my fiancé was sleep right on the side of me in the other recliner.

He looked so uncomfortable 😣, so I woke him and told him to get in the bed but he said he wanted to be beside me in case labor started. I’m so smitten at how anxious he’s becoming.

I think he knows it’s quickly approaching. He seem to know my body better than me. He’s literally had all of my pregnancy symptoms from the heart burn to the exhaustion. At the very beginning of the pregnancy, before I even knew I was pregnant, he would sleep constantly. He told me It was because I was pregnant. I laughed at him because I didn’t even think I could get pregnant. We tried for 5 years. But lo and behold 9 months later he was correct. I think he thinks he’s carrying the baby. 😆