Weight loss (this is a long one)


Hey ladies,

In the past 5 years I’ve gained about 60lbs. I tried changing my diet several times, tracked calories, tried Keto. The only thing that actually helped me lose weight was Keto, but it is not a sustainable way of eating for me. Of course, once I stopped, I gained everything back. In the past ive struggled with eating disorders and I just can’t live life like that anymore, obsessing over food. Last December I moved from Europe to the US and I started working out consistently (I’ve always worked out) - until all gyms closed. My gym has closed on me 3 times now, every time when I got back into a routine and started seeing changes in my body I had to stop.

I just recently (3 weeks ago) stopped taking bc and I am hoping it’ll help with weight loss in general, because my metabolism has just been declining and declining over the past 5 years. Has getting off birth control helped you lose weight at all?

I am 24 years old, live a relatively active lifestyle, don’t drink crazy amounts of alcohol, don’t smoke. I currently weigh 208lbs, and I really want to get back to about 170lbs!

Well, I guess this turned into a rant .. thanks for staying with me if you’re still reading.

I would appreciate any input you Guys have!

Lots of love, Anne