Am I ready


So about a month ago the father of my child and I decided to call it quits. It wasn't the best relationship and for the last three years we weren't intimate in any way. Even before that it was a rocky relationship with him cheating a few times. I dont know why I stayed with him. I guess I thought I could be the person to change him and I didn't have the greatest self esteem when I met him. I didn't want another failed relationship. I know it sounds stupid but then I think that if I wasn't with him I wouldn't have my beautiful daughter. Anyways for a couple weeks I have been talking to a guy and he wanted to meet up today. I agreed but then changed my mind not sure if I wasn't giving myself enough time to get over my ex. I dont have any romantic feelings for him but I'm still sad it didn't work. Especially since I put everything I had into trying to make it work. I know deep down there is nothing I could ever do and this relationship failed because of him and how he doesn't value relationships but I still make me sad. Anyways do you think its too soon? Im scared of making the same mistakes and I want to give myself time to heal but I also feel like I had three years to process things because we were basically living as roommates for those three years. Please give me some positive perspectives