Am I wrong for posting that I was on a date after a breakup (my ex saw it)?

so my ex and I broke up a little over a month ago. I don't think either of us wanted to but he's in the military, I hadn't seen him for 5 months and potentially wouldn't see him for much longer. we're both in college and super busy, it just wasn't working. we still had feelings for each other. HE brought up wanting to stay friends and all that so we've still been in daily contact through snap and call every other week or so to check in. no hard feelings at all (that I know of). anyway, my best friend and I went on a double date last night and the guys (who are also in the military, lmao) took us out to the woods in their pickup to do a bonfire with some drinks, and I posted a vid on my private snapchat story (which he can see) with my best friend (no guys in the vid) making a joke about us ending up in a pickup in the woods at a fire. I had snapped my ex once or twice and I think he knew we were at one of the guy's houses (from the snaps and my location is on) and saw a guy in one of my snaps. needless to say he left me on open when I responded to him and ive been on open for like 16 hours now. i feel really guilty but idk if I should, I never bragged to him that I was on a date or said anything directly. HE even asked me about my dating life last weekend when we talked and told me he'd be happy for me if I was seeing someone new. I don't know if I should say something to him or not. am I wrong for this?