I feel disconnected from this pregnancy

Michelle • Mom of 2,Wife,LPN pediatrics🩺

Let me start by saying I don't really know how to feel. In September 2020 found out I was pregnant with my third child which was unexpected. My husband and I right way we're shocked and excited and started planning and preparing. In October I had a miscarriage. I was emotional about it but picked myself up and continued on then recently this November a week before Thanksgiving I started a weird period but was expecting it not to be normal after a miscarriage. Well I started having sharp pains in my abdomen that I couldn't sleep off do, I woke my husband to take me to the ER. So we drop the kids off at my mom's and head there. My husband wasn't allowed in with me due to Covid. They had me give a urine and took blood. After awhile the doctor came in and said the pregnancy test was positive! I was shocked! The did a sonogram and long story short my levels indicated a new pregnancy but the ultrasound showed no pregnancy anywhere. They were suspecting an ectopic but said it was more likely a hemorrhagic cyst. I was told to follow up with my obgyn. When I followed up for blood work my numbers were doubling consistently. At this point I should be excited but my emotions are in limbo. I don't know how to feel as my plans will be changing again which I can work with but emotionally I don't feel connected with this pregnancy. I am starting to get more nausea do I am definitely not all there. I just feel stuck and wasn't sure where to post this. Sorry this is so long. Thanks for reading!