In one week


So in one week I found out i was pregnant and and that week I found out I Lost my baby

No one told me not to tell anyone too early I had only been two maybe even three weeks pregnant I was so excited I told my family and friends I got attached to early I was looking at names and I really like the name Pippin I bought a journal to document the pregnancy and save all these beautiful memories now every time I look at the journal I cry every time I think of the name Pippin I start tearing up and every time I look at the mirror I start bawling. This pregnancy wasn't planned I turn 21 at the end of the week (on November 30th) I wasn't ready for a baby but I never thought for one second I'm getting rid of it I was nothing but excited from the start I was more worried about my boyfriend than anything but he supported me even though he was scared. Four positive tests I had that week then all of a sudden my symptoms of pregnancy disappeared and I started bleeding heavier than the normal spotting that's when I decided to go to the doctor that's when I was told that I lost the baby. the happiness high was on came to a stop now all the pregnancy tests lay on my desk cuz I don't have the heart to throw them out I got to attach too quickly I new I was pregnant for a week, but I fell in love with this little life that was inside of me. I have a window shopping or baby clothes and things I would need now what do I do I'm so depressed it's not even funny I don't know what to do anymore all I can do is cry and ball because I feel like it's my fault I know it's not I know these things happen especially this early on why did this happen to me.