Getting Pregnant


Hey Ladies!!

My husband and I are thinking about starting a family and getting pregnant hopefully next year. The problem is my husband is starting to freak out and the idea of being a dad and is being very expressive about his negative expectations of what parenting will look like. Things like sleepless nights, crying, dirty diapers and the responsibility it comes with, including “having” to watch your kids.

I am aware that parenting has it highs and low, but I’m thrilled at the idea of becoming a parent. I know it won’t be perfect but as weird as it sounds, I already know I’m gonna love my babies like crazy and would be willing to do what I need to do for them.

So the fact that my husband is being negative about it concerns me, I’m afraid I’ll love our kids more than he will? That they wouldn’t feel wanted from their dad? Did any of you go through this while TTC? I’m afraid this will drive a wedge between my husband and I as I can already sense that I’ll be a protective mom. I just would want our kids to be loved.

Any advice for me? Am I being irrational in my fears/concerns?