Baby Story đź’™

Lenny • 👩🏻👨🏼‍🦰👧🏻👦🏼🤰🏻

So, my second labor and delivery was completely different than my first!

I went into labor on my own with my first, was begging for the epidural at 6 cm, delivered a baby girl after 11 hours of labor, with about an hour of pushing.

My son is 7 weeks old today, and I love reflecting on the labor and delivery with him. My husband’s grandfather kept telling us he was hoping the baby would be born on his birthday, October 12. But, my due date wasn’t until Halloween, so I just kept joking saying “I’ll do my best!”

October 12 came around and we were all hopeful that i would grant Grandpa his 94th birthday wish. I had a doctors appointment at 2:30, and I remember feeling down a little bit because I wasn’t showing any labor signs. I did my makeup and straightened my hair “just in case they admit me”, but I was doubtful.

I got there, and they asked if a student doctor could help in the appointment alongside my regular doc. I didn’t care, and the student doctor checked and said I was 5 centimeters. My doctor told her that that couldn’t be right, so she checked me immediately. And, she was right. I was 5 centimeters! It turns out that I was in active labor and didn’t even know it!

They told me I could go home and walk, or I could go straight to the hospital. I told them that it was my husband’s grandfather’s birthday, and he really hoped that the baby would share the same date as him. The doctor suggested I go on to the hospital then, so she could break my water.

I got to the hospital around 3:30, registered and all of that, kissed my daughter goodbye (she was out of school, so she went to the appointment and her and my husband had to wait in car, luckily my mom works at the hospital so she clocked out and took my daughter), and got to my room right at 4. They checked me, and I was already at 6 centimeters!

I was just hanging out, having a good time. I was on the phone with my sister, we were taking pictures, and recorded video messages for our son to watch one day. They broke my water, and I still didn’t feel anything, until around 6:30.

I took a hot shower, tried to touch up my makeup (weird I know, but it gave me something to focus on through contractions), and walking around the room.

Eventually, the pain became so bad that I just sobbed through every contraction, so I got the epidural.

My son was sitting on my right side and my spine was crooked, so it was difficult to get the epidural in place. I got the epidural around 8:45. They immediately checked me, and I was already at 9 centimeters. They said his head was so low and they couldn’t believe I didn’t have any pressure. Soon, I felt the pressure they were talking about. I started to panic, I kept saying that I needed to push, and they kept trying to hold me off until the doctor got there because he was so low. The doctor got there at about 9:15, and I began pushing about ten minutes later.

Benjamin was born on October 12 at 9:35 pm! He shares a birthday with his great grandfather, and he is the most precious baby ever!

Pictures from the day he was born, and now. đź’™