Curious question ladies!!?


So if you followed up on my previous posts I recently miscarries Nov. 11th didn’t know I was pregnant until the day I started to bleed. I bled for a week and looked everything into my apps according to them I’m in my ovulation cycle the last 4 days and today so I’m on my 5th day. I baby danced the whole ovulation cycle. Just wondering if there’s any hope being that I didn’t have a period period yet. I used my week of bleeding as a period and began trying immediately afterwards. I’m hoping for my rainbow baby 🌈🤞🏽💕🥺 baby dust to all 🥰

Remembered this question after I finished the paragraph lol was my week bleeding a period or should I be more hopeful after another cycle. So anxious and will be devastated for a BFN. Thanks ladies!