Am i pregnant


Im pre diabetic and i have PCOS with follicular cysts inside of both my ovaries. Ive been taking Metformin since September had regular cycles until last cycle October i was 4 days late. This cycle i was 6 days late bled for 3 days only heavy one of those days now all of a sudden the bleeding has stopped COMPLETELY. I took a pregnancy test earlier around 11:20am and there is a very faint line. I bought 3 digital pregnancy tests after work so I can take one in the morning. Of course I couldn't wait i took one anyways and it says Not Pregnant. Soooo im not disapponted because i know it'll happen. But im 29 with no kids of my own. I want to know if the digital tests similar to the regular clear blues... Or would it be better to take any type of test with first urine sample??