Any advise?


First month TTC, first time off the pill in 10 years.

I seriously have felt so horrible all month with pelvic pain in and off.

Have been checking cervix everyday.

I have a high, soft and open cervix.

A huge amount of cm the last few days. Ranging from clear stretchy to cloudy and stretchy to thin, clear and slippery. I also had 2 days of very light bleeding on Thursday and Friday last week.

I have been using clear blue advance ovulation test.

I have had a flashing smily face for the last 3 days. I have started to have sharp pinging in my breasts.

Praying I fall pregnant this cycle.

I am a child hood cancer survivor and have adhesions throughout my abdomen.

Any advise?! I never knew TTC would be so stressful and hard work. Anxiety is trying to take over but I’m trying to stay calm!

Best wishes and prayers for everyone TTC. ❤️