DPO symptoms / signs before my BFP


Hey lovelies!

So I just wanted to list what my experience is so far as I know sometimes we search forums and nobody updates if they received a BFP 😕

1-6dpo - literally nothing other than sore breasts but the prior month had sore bbs until around 8/9dpo before AF - possibly a bit of heartburn but this seemed to be ‘normal’ for me at this time.

7dpo - nothing until around lunch when I had to run to the toilet and had the runs for the rest of the day - this is where I thought this is not normal for me and I had not eaten anything unusual etc!

8dpo - nothing today but at 7pm decided to do an easy@home - found the faintest like vvvvvvvvfl that I had to put a dot on to show my husband but I wrote it off as an indent!

9dpo - bbs are still quite tender so I now know that by this point last cycle they had eased up completely- took a FRER and had a vvvvfl and easy@home a clearer line!!

10dpo - bbs and bloated & very tired did FRER line still faint but easier to see! Then at about 5pm did a digital and got my BFP!

11dpo - bbs bloated tired 😴 and darker line on FRER. And feel like I’ve wet myself all day nice!!

So this is where I’m at!

I’ll attach my pics & chart so you can see!!

I haven’t had any spotting yet and don’t believe I had an implantation dip on my chart (the dip at 3dpo I forgot to shut the window before sleep)

I don’t measure cm / haven’t noticed any difference other than today!

Any qs I’m happy to try help as I know how agonising the TWW is!!