
Long post;

I dated this guy for about 4 years we broke up i got with someone else and had a baby. Long story short with that I never got over my ex and we started talking again after my daughter's father decided he didn't ever love me and was basically on bs our whole relationship. My daughter is only 11 months old so it is still a new open wound to the ex.

He told me I ruined him, I made him hate women, he never wants to love again etc etc but then we decided to be "friends with benefits"

Well we have been doing that for some time now, about 4 months, ever since my daughters father broke up with me I ran to him and it was dumb, I know.

But here is where it gets me, and idk if im in the wrong or what you guys think about his actions or if I am dumb for expecting more but I know he loved me, he never told me he still does per say, but this past week/weekend he made it seem that way. Invited me to Thanksgiving with his family, they called me his girlfriend, love my daughter and everything. He was playing me love songs and we danced to them in his kitchen. We had sex and he didn't even try to pull out. He even called himself "step-dad " to my daughter. He was acting as if I was his girlfriend?!?! So the night before I left, I asked him what we were, trying to define the relationship and he looked at me confused and I said "fuck buddies? Thats all?" And he said "yes. Now get the fuck out of my room" (we sleep seperately) so what the hell... I left without saying goodbye and he hasn't tried to contact me since and I logged out of social media so I didn't even get the want to contact but deep down im just so hurt. Doesn't it seem like he was wanting to be with me? Or just playing mind games....

Idk :( im over it..... just heartbreaking.