Baby HATES the cranial helmet 😣 Should I ditch it?

My sweet 6mo has been the happiest baby I’ve ever known. Sleeps 10-12 hours a night, always laughing and has a smile on his face.

Last week he was fitted for a cranial helmet. It’s purely for cosmetic reasons and the unevenness is less than 7mm difference. The back of his head is just a little flat and my in-laws were pushing for the helmet, even though my pediatrician didn’t think he needed it.

Since he’s been wearing it, he has been so uncharacteristically unhappy, screaming and crying. Picking him up, laying him down, he starts screaming as though he’s in pain (even though the orthotist says it’s just an adjustment period) He doesn’t sleep and we’re going on four nights of pure agony. I feel like I’m torturing him and my husband is now saying it’s a giant waste of money. Most people say babies don’t even notice it, but my poor son seems so distressed in it.

I’m nervous that if I stop the helmet now I wouldn’t have given it a fair shot, and I’d hate the thought of regretting not sticking with it down the road. But keeping him in this helmet also pains me to see my son so unhappy and uncomfortable 24/7. I feel like it’s traumatizing for him just for a few millimeters of unevenness.

Please help.. any advice would be appreciated!!