Have you ever gone through this with your SO/Can you relate?

My man is a good man.. he provides for us while I am a stahm and full time student.. but sometimes I feel like I’m his mom with chores... like I let him go out whenever he wants but if I need to go to the store or have him watch the kids he doesn’t complain but he lets me know he doesn’t want to, “because he’s always working” which I get but when I was working I still had to come home and be a mom. He will let my one year old son cry & say it’s okay because even if he picks him up he’s still going to cry because he’s too attached to me he only wants me, then proceeds to say I can’t say anything because I let him cry too. But I’m with him all day I only let him cry when I absolutely am loosing my mind and need a minute. Like I know this is not normal but we are still young in our 20s so of course we don’t have all of our shit together. But what do I do? Sometimes I literally contemplate running away lol. Of course I’d never leave my kids but I think about it while I drink my morning coffee, buying a bus ticket and starting a new life in Arkansas. 😭😂

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