
today I finally let go of my ex. It’s been a rough year. Had extreme lows that I’m not proud of. I literally called in sick to work for an entire month because of the heart break I was feeling. My body felt physically numb. I was an emotional mess. I didn’t think I’d ever get to this point. The constant ache in my chest because I would ask myself why I wasn’t good enough. The insecurities because I felt like I had to compete. Feeling worthless because I was asking for the bare minimum. Today I was finally able to face him and tell him that I’m no longer in love with him. I still care and love him. But I don’t see him romantically anymore. The thought of him with other people doesn’t bother me anymore. Instead it brings me joy. Because I’ve finally put myself first. I love myself again. And this is genuinely the happiest I’ve been in a long time.