What does this mean?

Betty • 34 ♏ | Married | TTC for 👶 #1 | Dog Mom 🐾

Hi guys, we aren't TTC until another month or two but wanted to try having unprotected sex outside of the ovulation window. I went off birth control in Jan and started logging daily in Glow to track my cycles and taking BBT each morning but we had been using condoms up until a few weeks ago, to casually ease into TTC (and so I could prove to husband there are fertile days and not so fertile days). However my last period started late and my ovulation days were originally 3 days earlier (so we had sex on the days it was less than 10% chance). But now I saw Glow's predicted ovulation days shifted and we may have BD on ovulation days after all. My temp has remained high...what does this mean? Sorry, I'm not too good at understanding this charting thing nor classifying CM but I've consistently logged all other data all year long now.