November Baby Became A December Baby


Bryce Chambers 💞

Got to the hospital and was supposed to be induced at 6am. Well, baby boy had other plans. My water didn’t break so I thought they were just horrible poop cramps and didn’t know they were contractions because they were only in my back. I wanted to wait to go in since I had an appointment that day to be induced anyways at 6am but that did not happen. The back pain started around 2am and kept coming harder and faster. I just couldn’t take it anymore and decided to go to the hospital at and didn’t get there till 5am because we were gathering the last of our stuff. Well, when they checked me to see how far dilated I was, I was already 8cm 🤦🏾‍♀️ lol thank god I didn’t decide to wait any longer I probably would’ve had the baby in the toilet since I thought they were poop cramps. I was in soooooo much pain I couldn’t even breathe so I decided to get the epidural still and thank god I did because the contractions got worse and lasted longer. I got to the point where I almost passed out because the pain was so bad lol. But anyways, I would’ve had the baby a lot sooner but the lady who breaks waters was t in yet so I had to wait an hour which I didn’t mind because the epidural kicked in! After breaking my water labor was quick and it only took me 14 minutes to push him out 💞 I’m so extremely proud of myself! I didn’t think I would be able to do it alone but I did! Unfortunately, I had to go through birth alone because they wouldn’t allow my one and a half year old in the room with us. We just moved here, my husbands in the military and we obviously didn’t know anyone enough for them to watch her. So, they had to leave the hospital and go home. It sucks and My husband and I were so depressed because he missed out on the north of his first son but I’m truly grateful for all the nurses who made this experience a little better for me. I completely understand why children can’t be in the hospital because of covid but it just sucks and I wished they would’ve made an exception for us especially because we just moved here three weeks ago. 😞 but it’s okay! Everything happens for a reason! We go home tomorrow and I’m so excited to see my daughter and husband and be a family again! 😊💛 Thank you god that my son and my family are healthy it’s all because of you watching over us every day! 💘