
When I got sober, I went to the hospital because of the withdrawals. I was sober for 2 months but I relapsed and I drank 😭😔. I’m trying to get sober again. Today is day one. So far the withdrawals haven’t been that bad compared to the ones when I first got sober. I’m just wondering do the withdrawals get even worse the second time you get sober? I’m just wondering because this is my first time trying to quit. I already feel ashamed because I relapsed and I’m going to feel embarrassed 😩 going back to the hospital because of it😢. I just need some support right now 😢 I will asked my loved ones but I don’t want to be a bother and I also feel embarrassed. I do feel some withdrawals but not as bad like the first time. But I do fell enough to want to stay in bed all day. 😕