Has anyone had postpartum anxiety/psychosis? Does my house sound haunted?

Has anyone had this? I have postpartum depression/anxiety/psychosis but I don’t really want to take pills. I think I should as I’m getting strong urges to “put myself to sleep” I was wondering could this make me see and hear things? I’m convinced there’s a ghost in my house. Basically just hearing weird running and sounds and flickering lights which I’m sure could be my cats (I have three including a 40 pound cat 🤦🏽‍♀️ he’s healthy don’t worry!) and the lights could be due to the storm we had. But I’m so convinced and terrified I had to make my husband come home from work super early cause I was freaking out and having an anxiety attack over this apparent ghost. Does it sound like I might be making this ghost situation up in my head? I conveniently only hear things when my husband is at work during the night. Although he has heard it too a couple times. But realistically it could definitely be the kittens and cat screwing around. I’m just really scared and panicking right now trying to convince myself this is fake so I don’t have another anxiety attack over it