Birth control questions

Hi! I am 22years old.

These days, I got a lot of acnes and feel my cycle is unregulated. And I don’t want to use condom this Christmas (u know what I’m saying😉) So I am thinking to take birth controls. But I’ve never take them before. I have some questions.

My period will start soon. I will start to take birth control on my first day of period. When is the safe day after that?

Or, If i want to be safe on Christmas, when should I start to take?

If I want to restart my period from January, can I just stop taking birth control after Christmas?

And, Is it true that birth control can release acne? Usually, my skin is super clean(even at my puberty), but i got many acnes like in few days. I think it is bc of hormones

My questions might sounds stupid, but I’ve never tried birth I need your advise!