Should I break up with my boyfriend?

So my boyfriend has been my first for everything and I find our sex life to be very intimate and private. The idea of him watching porn makes me very uncomfortable and in many ways, insecure. This is because I give him everything and I would hate to feel unappreciated or that I am not enough. He said that the last time he watched or viewed it was over a year ago. I saw a tik tok about viewing Instagram activity links and how it correlated with OnlyFans and my boyfriend was beside me when we saw it. I decided to try it on his Instagram and almost ALL of his activity links were from OnlyFans. I’m feeling very insecure right now and I feel so broken. I feel cheated. When I started sobbing right in front of him, he laughed at me. He made no excuses and he made no effort to comfort me. He hasn’t mentioned anything about it. He has caused me some emotional distress and I’m considering leaving him. What should I do?