Symptoms are gone


Let me start by saying I know that symptoms can come and go throughout pregnancy. I started having nausea, bloating, and exhaustion at 5w. The last couple of days it has been worse and I have been experiencing food adversion as well. I am currently 6w today and all of my symptoms disappeared over night. I had my first ultrasound two days ago and even saw the heart beat of our little one. The reason I am so scared is because I had a miscarriage in August and all of my symptoms disappeared when I was 6w. Granted my pregnancy was a suspected ectopic pregnancy, but I still can’t shake that something if off. I am not spotting/bleeding or cramping. I am pretty sure if I call my dr they are going think I am crazy, especially with how my ultrasound looked the two days ago. Pregnancy is stressful, but it is a thousand times worse after a loss.