Keep the hope


Ladies, I haven't been on in a long time. But wanted to share for inspiration. Inturned 43 in November... I'm also 38weeks pregnant today. I am scheduled to be induced in one week!! This has been a long pregnancy with lots of fear. I had my tubes tied after my daughter was born in 1999! Had them reversed June 2018 after being married to my husband and saving for 11years. I had a MMC in Dec 2018, D&C in Jan 2019. Chemical in Oct 2019 and HSG Dec 2019. During all the time I was taking prenatals, different other vitamins on and off (all that I could find other people took). Used OPKs, Timed all out sex. Nothing worked. Jan 2020 hubby and I took a well needed break. No vitamins, no OPKS, no timing intercourse. We decided we needed a 3 month break. I wanted to have a few drinks here and there as my daughter was turning 21 Feb 2020. So we did.. took a break from all of it. I always had the hope in the back of my mind, but I didn't let it run my life. Hubbys bday was April 10... On the 5th I was feeling off thinking it was allergies (Covid wasn't big yet) but brushed it off. Woke up the 6th of April so nauseated I knew something was up.. before making a Dr appt, I tested. Just to make sure. Well it was positive. So I tested daily for 2 months as my fears of loss was great. But here we are.... 1 week from induction. The only issue she may have is from blood tests along the way is Spina Bifida. However, all measurements have been good so it's only a 10% chance. I don't care either way. This has been a long road and I hope those that have read this far have some hope. DO NOT GIVE UP AND DO NOT PUT TOO MUCH PRESSURE ON YOURSELF. It's not healthy and causes more heartache than anything.