Daughter caught an uncurable STD

My 16 year old came up to me crying and when I asked her what was wrong she said she messed up and she feels gross and stuff like that. I asked what she was talking about and she said she went to the health department for STD testing and birth control and she had been positive for AIDS. I asked if they said she had HIV or AIDS and she said "Aren't they the same thing". I just said not necessarily and explained the difference and how she had HIV and it takes a long time for HIV to turn into AIDS. She started saying that she was disgusting and now no one will ever want her and she feels terrible about herself. I just let her get it out because I have no idea how to deal with this situation. I just said it will be alright. I did tell her that she needs to call everyone she's been with and she doesn't want to do that right now. This is honestly not something I know how to deal with at all or how to be much help. I'm not sure if I'll find advice on here, but it's worth a try.