Concerned and not sure if I should go to a doctor


Last week on Thanksgiving, my fiancé and I had sex where he ejaculated inside of me. No worries on either end (meaning we don’t necessarily want to get pregnant right now but if it happens; it happens.) I took a Plan B on Friday night (about 24 hours so still within in the correct time frame to take it to be effective) and I had no side effects other than slight dizziness which is normal.

A few days ago on Sunday, we had sex and when he penetrated me deeply I had what felt like bad period cramps and so we stopped. I was fine after laying down and relaxing but we decided to not push our luck so we didn’t have sex again until yesterday.

Yesterday we had sex and used the withdrawal method (which we’re very effective at) and all was well and good. He didn’t go deep like he did on Sunday and I was fine, no problems or cramps.

Today I woke up and used the restroom only to see what looked like old period blood on the toilet paper. I thought it was no biggie, as it happens sometimes when we have sex. Almost like it gets knocked loose. Then there was more blood and now it’s red and heavy like a period. I also have mild cramps right now like I do when my period starts. However, the concerning part is is that my period isn’t due for another 2 weeks and 2 days. I know the Plan B can alter your period date but I thought it was only by a few days? My ovulation date (according to glow) is in two days also but I’m not sure how accurate it is.

I’ve also been experiencing UTI symptoms (I’ve never had one before so I’m not exactly sure if that’s what it is) for maybe 2 weeks now, but I don’t have the money to go to a doctor right now to get a confirmation on that.

Should I try to find a way to get some money together to see a doctor or just wait it out? Just trying not to be scared or stressed about it but I want everything to be okay.

Thanks in advance!