New job, but want a baby and don't want to look like a bad employee


So I recently moved and started a really great job.(September) things are going great at work but I can't shake the feeling of another baby. I just had my daughter around 9 months ago, and want to TTC next year around this time frame. (My husband wants to now hahaha, I'm trying to be career smart)

Now the problem is I work in a male dominated field (97% of the people at my specific plant are men)

I already know the comments that are made about women here and I know how some of the older men here told my boss and said that by hiring me, I'm a "liability" from a business standpoint because of my child bearing age (22) the other women here are +35 years old (not saying they can't have kids, but I am saying for some reason the guys put them in this "safe zone")

Should I just wait a while longer to have a kid? I'd only have been working here for a little over a year by the time I want to TTC.