I’m pretty sure he doesn’t love me.

We’ve been together for two years. Right now, we’re being kind of forced to get married because I can’t stay in the country for us to even date unless we get married. But it really, really fucking hurts that he can’t even say he loves me and we’re supposed to be getting married. I’ve never once had a boyfriend or girlfriend say those words to me. No one ever has, even my family never said it to me before. He KNOWS this has been hurting me. He even said the other day that he’s sorry for torturing me over this for the last year, as if he was about to say it. But of course he didn’t. He’s been saying for months that it’s coming and he’ll say it, but he never does. At this point I don’t believe he ever will, and he doesn’t realise at all how much this hurts me. I don’t understand what is so wrong with me, that no one will ever fucking love me. I’m almost 30, and no one has EVER said it to me. Not family, friends, boyfriends. My ex husband never even said it. My fiancé is kind, sweet, beautiful, and so caring. I love him so much and it hurts me so much that I can never tell him how much I love him. And that he doesn’t love me, even after two years. Almost three years now, after January. What is so fucking wrong and unloveable about me? Why is it always me who feels alone and worthless every day? I have no friends, no real family, other than my fiancé I’m completely alone. I don’t even really want to keep going at this point, I’m so fucking tired of being alone.