Anyone else having a rough time?


I’m 27 weeks today... just failed my 1 hour glucose. Add it to the list of no fun pregnancy ailments... back pain that takes my breath away (despite my chiro/massage/yoga/nerve stimulator/husband back rubs/baths every night/back brace for work).... currently noshing on crackers because I still have all day sickness and steroid shots in my wrists a month for pregnancy induced carpal tunnel, heart burn so bad I’m on Rx..... this shit has been really really rough. On top of it all I’m an ICU nurse working through a pandemic, with insomnia. Anyone else out there suffering through like I am? Everyone keeps saying “in the end it’ll all be worth it” and I know it will be, but f*** this is really really rough. I have not enjoyed any part of this and we have 3 more months to go ... please tell me someone else out there is not enjoying this. Misery loves company