Sex is Too Long

So I’ve been dating my boyfriend for half a year now and ever since we met, we’ve been almost constantly having sex. We’re both extremely sexual people and literally fucked within hours of meeting one another (no judgement for that pls). Since then, we’ve had sex multiple times a week, if not seven days a week, consistently. I mean the whole six months consistently. Not to mention we regularly have sex more than once a day if we both have the day off. Don’t get me wrong, the sex is amazing, I always orgasm and usually more than once... the problem is that it takes him ages to cum. And it’s by choice- he literally will wait til he absolutely cannot take it anymore and that can end up being an hour and a half since we started. Don’t get me wrong, that can be a great thing! Sometimes. But to be having sex so often and for the sex to be so long... it’s starting to get a little old. I find myself literally dirty talk begging him to cum sometimes cause I’m just so ready for it to be over. The problem is that he hasn’t picked up on it at all. Sometimes I’ll refuse sex and blatantly tell him that it takes up too much time. But he’s still clueless.

I honestly don’t know what to do about it. He’s such a great guy but I know he can get really in his head so I’m not sure how to go about talking about it without making him really insecure. Help? Is this normal? Does anyone have any advice on how to approach the subject? Any sort of thoughts or comment helps!