Help!! My son is getting violent

So for context, my son is a year & 2 months. He says 1 word (cat) and is very gross motor skill driven. He’s always doing the most dangerous climbing stunts possible and lately has been hitting, biting, and Headbutting. If I hold his arms to block his hits, he put his finger in his mouth, bites down, and pulls it out really hard while biting. I have no idea where this came from. He used to love our cats and be so gentle and all of a sudden he just wants to step on them and hit them.

Just now we were laying on the floor together and all of a sudden he hit me, I grabbed his arm (not hard) and he head butted me so hard my nose is bleeding.

We’ve tried to stick with positive discipline and don’t believe in hitting or spanking as punishment for our household. I believe hitting him will just make him think if someone does something he doesn’t like he can just hit them. But I have no idea what to do. He is getting more and more violent every day.

He also will not sleep at night at all. Maybe 10 minute intervals with one hour long stretch.

I really just want to run away at this point I can’t take this anymore.