Covid and ectopic pregnancy


I got exposed to covid at work and tested positive. I was supposed to get my period around November 18 but it never came I had the sore Brest and cramping and horrible acne so I didn’t even assume I was pregnant. One morning I just decided to test and there it was. I have never had a pregnancy test lit up so fast with both lines.

I immediately panicked as I had just beaten covid had taken so much medication. My doctor said I should of been fine. Started spotting and since I have had 5 miscarriages I freaked out and went to the ER. They told me my HCG levels were in the high 600s and I should of been 5 weeks. But they weren’t able to find the sac or baby. They said not to worry.

As my pregnancy’s have been high risk my doctor told me to come in today just to follow up and do another HCG count. They came back in the 900s but needed to be in the thousands. They confirmed it was a ectopic pregnancy and we needed to terminate. I’m devastated. I can’t believe this is happening to us. We have been trying for 14 plus years. My HCG levels have never been this high with the other pregnancy’s so we thought this was it. God had other plans. Please keep us in your prayers.

If anyone has any recommendations, I would greatly appreciate them!