
Ok... I know I’m only 13 but self confidence was never a thing until now... I was a competitive gymnast and was always skinny and tall and no one ever said anything about that.. that was until I quit my coaches hurt me mentally and I couldn’t take it anymore. But that part went away... I started getting hated on how I looked by the people I cherish the most... “gosh you let yourself go” “you were so skinny and beautiful” “ don’t you want to look pretty?” I heard these A LOT. Around that time my mental health was getting worse... I went into a small depression...I hated how I looked I hated myself for not being pretty or who everyone wanted me to be..I hated myself because I let everyone down. I wore large clothes to hide my figure. I hated myself. I just thought if I covered it up it wouldn’t be a problem. Until it got worse. I had a pixie cut a while before I quit and I was already getting called “tranny” “Ellen” and “lesbo”. (I’ve never been homophobic or disliked anyone from the LGBTQ+ community) but I was being called these names by some of (who I thought) were my friends. But for a whole year my family started questioning MY sexuality.( at the time I found my best friend who is insecure and wore the same baggy clothes I did.) and god it took a toll on me....

part 2...?