Maternity Leave Fight

I (26) and DH (28) are currently TTC. We both have stable jobs (or so I thought), working for MY parent’s family business where the reason I came here is for us to take the legacy in a few years when they retire. DH started first and runs their operations and projects, and I was brought in as a project manager to help him with a big project they are working on. Before I started, I asked very clearly what the maternity leave was going to look like, and I was told we’d sort it out later but that it wouldn’t be an issue, because DH had to fight for me to get 10k less than what I was making at my job, and not lose more money (they lowballed me around 20k less than industry standard with my degree & certifications and job experience). While we are a small business, my parents make VERY good money (read: multimillionaires). DH & I work hard to make and maintain the business, as they are now hands off already.

So here is where we are: I’m in my two week wait, and did the research on FMLA. Which I do not qualify for. (AKA I’m hella type A and like to have all my ducks in a row).

DH tried to get all of the employees more PTO (as right now we only get 5 days personal, 5 days sick, no matter how long you’ve been there) they don’t believe in PTO and think “I pay you to be here, not on vacation, if I give more PTO then people will take it and I don’t want them to actually take it.”

So. I begged my DH to talk to them, and he asked how much I needed. I told him at least 4 weeks full leave, 2 weeks working from home. We’re a small business, and I know how critical my role is. So I’m fighting for the bare minimum to take care of my mother’s granddaughter/son, while she spends months in her vacation house just to take it easy. I get it, it is what it is. I told him I wouldn’t take any less than that, and he asked me to consider taking 4 weeks working from home after delivery and the next two weeks bring baby to work and put them in a room in the other office building, upstairs.

I’m still crying of frustration. I want to do right by this baby, and I’m now considering putting my TTC on hold and praying I’m not pregnant so I can find another job. I lost a prestigious job & 10k more a year to work here and help my family, am I a bad person for asking for maternity leave?

EDIT: I left because my parents asked my husband (who was already working there for 3 years) and I to run the company so that when they retire in a few years, it would be a smooth transition to us as owners. Only employees we have is my aunt and uncle, both past child bearing age