Bad mom?


So, I hate to say it but I'm starting to feel like a bad mom. My husband and I have 2 boys (4yrs and 17months) and I am currently about 8 weeks pregnant (hoping this little bean sticks).

Anyhow, my husband and I had a plan...

-For our second son, my husband would work and I would stay home for the first year or so and then I would go back to work and we use daycare.

-Well, fast forward to present time and neither of our boys have been in daycare since March 2020 due to covid and I am basically a full time stay at home mom but I also try and do some of the accounting and busy/boring stuff at the business my husband and I own.

-I thought I could do it all. Take care of our boys 24/7, be pregnant, take the boys to work with me and get my duties done at work, keep the house clean, take care of our dog, etc etc.

-But I was wrong...I am drowning and feeling like a failure.

-Our 4 year old is amazing and if it was just him I am confident that I could do everything I want to do. But our 17 month old is difficult at times. He's a great kid and always makes me laugh but he is so clingy and bullies our 4 year old and just doesn't listen. He cries when he doesn't get his way, he takes toys away from his brother, he throws toys sometimes, tv doesn't keep him occupied for long, and he just requires so much more than our 4 year old ever did.

-I am trying my best to be a good mother but I'm tired. I just want to feel normal again and be able to get some stuff done without having to stop every 10 minutes to break up a fight with the boys or to comfort my 17month old because he's upset I am not paying attention to him and doing the dishes, or the laundry, or whatever.

-It doesn't help that I'm still breastfeeding and this pregnancy is draining me of all energy. And on top of that my 17month us is a crappy napper, doesn't sleep great at night, and likes to wake up at 5:30‐6am

-My husband helps a good deal so I can't complain much on that aspect.

-I just want to put our boys in daycare for 2 days a week but it's costly and covid makes it scary.

-I am just so tired and over this. I don't even want to think of how it will be when/if I give birth to our new member of the family 😭

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