Idk where to post this! Dog question!

elvi • apenas mais uma joaninha

Hi y'all, my dog has been acting really weird lately but only when he eats or drinks water. He's 7 years old, has been using the same bowls for the past two years and they've been in the same spot ever since we moved to this house a year ago. It's a set of metal bowls on a stand that has rubber on the bottom so it doesn't make any sound or move.

As of about a week ago while he's eating he'll get super scared and run away and then come back and keep eating. He'll do this 2-3 times throughout his meal. At first I thought he was scared of the space heater I'd set up but that's been in the same spot for almost a month now and it never bothered him before. I moved it anyways and also moved the cord of my lamp in case he was thinking they were snakes (he's terrified of anything remotely snake-like). Should I try to move his bowl and see if maybe there's just something in his periphery that's startling him? Anyone else's dog do this? He's otherwise very healthy and normal and comfortable to be home.