Age Gap Between Babes

Okay y’all. FTM here. My baby isn’t even 4 months old yet and hubby is asking if we can try for another baby 😳 I always have said I want 2-3ish years in between babies, and I still stand by that, but he’s sooooooo insistent on trying soon (NEVER in a pushy way, he’s actually very sweet about it, saying “I just love you and our boy so much, why can’t we try for another one” and stuff like that). And as much as I love our kiddo and want other babies, I just don’t know if I’m ready, and I’ve told him that, and he says he understands. Part of me wants to bend and just say what the hell, we already have one, might as well have another, and the other part of me says I’m crazy for thinking about getting pregnant again. For those of y’all who have had kiddos less than 2 years apart, did you lose your minds? Is it worth it? Should I hold my ground and insist on waiting a couple of years or try to find middle ground? Gimme all your stories and experiences 😂