Anyone else feel unsupported by family


So I have major anxiety mainly about money and jobs. So instead of going to an actual job everyday which pushes my anxiety to breaking point I decided I would start something at home instead of living off government money. And because I love animals I started breeding birds. But my dad (who I currently live with) has been so unsupportive. He tells me I’m setting up my business wrong and gets really mad when I don’t agree with him, every idea I come up with he squashes it and tells me it’s stupid. And then also my brother who also lives with us doesn’t work, parties all the time using my dad and my money, doesn’t pay for food or nothing and my sad seems to think that’s is completely fine. I don’t understand why my dad can’t let me do it how I want instead of controlling it

I pay for all my expenses and try to set up a business so I can earn money and I get no support. I just feel defeated and broken and don’t see the point in trying anymore, has anyone else experienced unsupportive family members?

Ps. Moving out isn’t as option, I just want to know I’m not the only one with family like thisa

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