Dropping a nap?

Kaitlyn • Married, 26, 👶🫄

My baby just turned 1 year yesterday. The past few days she's only been taking a morning nap and then downright refusing the afternoon/ early evening nap. Yesterday she took a 1 hour 20 minute morning nap which is normal for her, but when it came time for her second nap, she completely refused. I rock and nurse to sleep, and usually it takes less than 5 minutes for her to fall asleep. I wrestled with her for 20 minutes and gave up. I tried again an hour later, and the same thing. She ended up staying awake for 7 hours straight before bed time. I know she shouldnt be awake that long, but she barely acted sleepy, and also we had my parents over for her birthday, so she had a lot of excitement going on.

Her usual wake windows are 2.5 hours, 3.5 hours, 4 hours. She did the same 2 days ago and was awake for 5.5 hours straight before bedtime. I know they can drop a nap anywhere from 12 to 24 months, but it just seems too early. She slept like crap last night, waking up at 10, 12:30, and 6:30 this morning when she usually sleeps through the night and wakes up at 7:30 or wakes once around 2ish. I'm letting her stay up a little longer this morning to see if she does better today, but I'm also thinking it may be teething or something else keeping her awake. She has 2 teeth coming in right now, but she doesn't fuss with them much except for night time.

Should I try to help her drop a nap? I'm just not exactly sure what to do because she seems a little too young to go down to 1 nap a day.