OMG poop advice, insight, commiserate 😩😩😩


My daughter will be 4 at the end of December. 4. FOUR. Cuatro. 4. She *still* will not poop on the toilet without a fight. And I mean like 1-2 DAY fight. She will have up to 6 accidents a day because she just keeps holding it. Sometimes I give up and put her in a pull up. She eats pretty well for a toddler: fruit at every meal, at least one veggie a day, shredded wheat, raisins and plenty of water. She doesn’t eat cheese and only has milk with her cereal. This is what we’ve tried:

-rewards (immediate like chocolate, milkshakes, and then bigger ones that require a potty chart)

-“the poop fairy” dropping her a gift off after she poops

-giving her coloring books, Ipad time (these just distract her and she’s never pooped while engaging with these)

-we’ll sit with her and read to her

-Pooland app

-miralax- just made her have even more accidents

-suppository (this just happened tonight so we’re totally calling the doctor tomorrow)

When she finally poops shes a completely different person. It never hurts her, it’s just really big. She always says “that was easy” right when she’s done.

I am at my absolute wits end. I cannot take it anymore. I feel like she needs therapy about it or maybe even needs to see a GI specialist or something. Any advice or insight to this before I pull out all of my hair?!?