Christmas with an 18 m.o. What to do??


So my little boy is 18 months and into everything. He climbs like a monkey, does pull ups on the table, opens up drawers and empties them out, stands on his tiptoes to reach stuff on the edges of counters... I want to get a tree but I'm afraid he will climb it, not to mention what he'll do with the ornaments (shatter-proof of course, but still). We have an open floor plan and baby gates that he can't climb between the entry and the living area and the living area and the hallway to the garage, but neither area is big enough to house the tree without getting in the way. We have another wrap around adjustable pen I was thinking we could put around the tree, but he can climb over it now (it's a latticework-type pen). So what are you Mamas doing? Any tips on keeping him from messing with the tree? Are you forgoing the tree or just getting a tiny tabletop one? I need advice.