Unhappy Relationship


Hey Guys, so basically me and my boyfriend of 3 years just had a baby 4 months ago. Our relationship has always been rocky but throughout my whole pregnancy it was going great . Once my baby was born everything just started to go down hill. My bf stopped giving me attention , we didn’t sleep in the same bed let alone the same room for the first 3 months because he didn’t want to be woken up by the baby throughout the night before he had to go to work( he just recently started sleeping back in our room because my mother in law moved in) , i do majority of the cleaning and cooking even though his mom is here , while also working and being the primary caregiver for my baby. Him and his mother think that just because he does manual labor and i dont , that he needs the most rest when it comes to sleep and helping out with the baby. I’ve completely fallen out of love with him and I’m miserable in my own home . His mom works from home so I’m secluded in my room with the baby all day in my own home. I can literally think of a thousand reasons i don’t want to be here any more . And only 1 reason why i want to stay , i don’t want to be a single mom and i wanted my baby to have a family , especially at 4 months.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, i have the means and money to move out but i don’t know why I’m so afraid to get up and leave .