I just broke up with my girlfriendšŸ˜” wtf is this

Ok so yes I am a guy. Iā€™ve dated my girl for 2 and a half years and I decided I wanted to be single, nothing happened between us. And I was sad I was crying for 2 weeks straight. And when I broke up with her, she was sad and then the very next day she is so excited because now sheā€™s moving to California with her best friend. I am so heartbroken, I did not expect that at all. She booked her flight already and sheā€™s so excited and she knows the actors and directors from the show ā€œthe officeā€ so she is probably able to become a small actress not off that show but another tv show or something because itā€™s all about who you know. And sheā€™s going to be playing tennis and field hockey and sheā€™s going to be playing in all of these tournaments and leagues. She got it all planned out. She even transferred jobs there!

You have no idea how I feel right now. I was expecting her to be crying and sad and depressed not all of this. Like wtf this came out of no where